What & Who Brings You Joy ?

What & Who Brings You Joy ?

Amongst other things Sunflowers symbolise Joy.

 I’ll be sharing little stories from home that bring me pockets of joy which I try to find in every day.

Sally, my best friend and inspiration for Sally’s Sunflowers amongst many other things brought me joy.

Sally had an incredible joyful zest for life even during her darkest days …

Powered By Positivity

Sally had lived with mouth Cancer for 15 years had undergone numerous operations.

Sally was left facially disfigured and  impeded her speech and ability to eat but Sally never hid herself away…

Instead, just like her favourite flower she turned her face towards the sunshine in search of the light and spread sunshine wherever she went.

Sally faced each and every day with positivity, joy, hope, love, happiness, resilience, strength and squeezed every last drop of living out of every day.

Whilst completely in awe of her joyful mindset I never truly understood why she cultivated the outlook on life she had l…

Two years ago I  faced my own Cancer diagnosis …

Only then I realised that the strength and resilience, joy, love ,hope and happiness had one focus – her family and most importantly her son … the love of her life.

Sally found joy in every hour,day,month,year she had with him

Her unwavering hope of another

The happiness that he brought her.

 I knew I had to cultivate that same mindset to get me through for my husband and boys.

Of course there are dark days, there were for her and there have been for me especially when I was first diagnosed …

I felt I was standing on the edge of a precipice staring into a black abyss and about to fall in and drown…

Everyone around me including my Doctors kept telling me to be positive but I just did not know how…

A very dear friend suggested I start practicing gratitude … something I had never considered before and had certainly never made time for as my mind was always too busy rushing forward on to the next thing without really appreciating the now.

Walking To Wellness

I also began walking as I felt like I was suffocating indoors and needed to be outside to try and clear my head and my thoughts…


I walked for miles and it is something 2 years on from my diagnosis that I try to do everyday.

 It really is medicine for mind, body and soul.

As time went on I began to realise that I was noticing the beauty of the trees in the woodland, hearing the birdsong and noticing the clouds moving across the sky things I had never made time to notice before and it brought and brings me joy every day even when the suns not shining !!!

We’ve had so much rain lately which I absolutely would have complained about before I started practicing gratitude but instead now I look at the lushness and abundance of greenery that the rain combined with sunshine has brought.

It doesn’t matter where you live rural or urban there is joy to be found wherever you are if you take a moment to look, notice and appreciate those little pockets of joy.

Write It Down

Whilst you are reading this think and write down 3 things that bring you joy and a special friend that brings you joy.

Remember these little pockets of joy when the clouds appear…

Likel Sunflowers turn your face towards the sunshine and look upwards beyond the clouds to find the sun because it is there…

Wearing or having Sunflowers close to you radiates a sense of joyfulness, positivity, happiness, energy and friendship.

Colour psychology and how it affects your mood associates yellow with sunshine,hope,laughter,warmth,happiness and energy.

Browse the Sally’s Sunflowers Collection to find you piece of sunshine at http://www.sallyssunflowers.co.uk

20% of the profit from each purchase is donated to Primrose Hospice who supported Sally in her final days to support the Primrose Hospice Children’s Bereavement Team supporting children and teenagers dealing with the loss of a loved one… http://www.primrosehospice.co.uk

A packet of Sally’s Sunflowers is included with each purchase to spread the sunshine wherever you are are help the environment too as Sunflowers huge smiling faces are giant landing pads for Bees and other pollinating insects



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